Sunday, April 29, 2007

Opening in Perú by Cinemark

Cinemark announces in its page Web like date attempt of the opening of Transformers The Movie the 26 of July of the 2007. To the knowledge that it will not exist world-wide opening the Peruvians we will have to hope until the 26 of July whereas in North America it is released the 4.
And if, they posponed to us in Latin America, shielded in the marketing of the celebrations mother countries of each country, from the 4 to the 26 of July are too many days, lamentably in my country the piracy is very abundant and hatred to say it but pirate copies are had from the American opening, there will be another option to hope until a so distant date being able to see it in good home theater the 5 of July?.
Cinemark anuncia en su pagina web como fecha tentativa del estreno de Transformers The Movie el 26 de Julio del 2007. Al saberse que no existirá estreno mundial los peruanos tendremos que esperar hasta el 26 de Julio mientras que en Norteamérica se estrena el 4.
Y si, nos pospusieron en America Latina, escudados en el marketing de las fiestas patrias de cada pais, desde el 4 al 26 de julio hay demasiados días, lamentablemente en mi país la piratería es muy abundante y odio decirlo pero se tendrán copias piratas desde el estreno americano, habrá otra opción para esperar hasta una fecha tan lejana pudiendo verla en un buen home theater el 5 de Julio?.

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Poster transformers in Japan

Transformers The Movie will be released in Japan the 8 of August of 2007.
Transformers la película se estrenará en Japón el 8 de agosto de 2007

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Screenshot Transformers the game

Screenshot Transformers the game.
Capturas de Transformers el video juego.

Source: Frickr Transformers movie pool

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

CGI Jazz close up

New images CGI of Jazz face.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Barricade and Shia

I finally opened Entertainment Weekly past the Optimus Prime pic that I posted, and stumbled on this

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Great pic of Optimus Prime

Source : Transformers Movie (Pool)

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Final TF Posters

The final one-sheets and standee art for Transformers the Movie are now available!
¡El arte de la página final (poster) y del standarte final está disponible ahora!

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Movie Bumblebee's Face Game in battle mode!

Bumblebee in poster of transformers game, the video game, in battle mode with mask.
Bumblebee en poster de transformers game, el video juego, en modo batalla con máscara.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

My name is Optimus Prime in Spot TV

Spot of TV in youtube filtered new already was removed but todavie can be seen. The first words of Optimus “My name is Optimus Prime” and some new images, Jon Voight with a Mac and what it in the end seems to be Megatron.
Update: Thanks to poster on forum, you can download (right-click, save target as)from here.
Se filtró un nuevo spot de TV en youtube ya fue removido pero todavie se puede ver. Se aprecian las primeras palabras de Optimus "My name is Optimus Prime!" y algunas imagenes nuevas, Jon Voight con una Mac y lo que parece ser Megatron al final.
Update: Thanks to poster on forum, you can download (right-click, save target as)from here.
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Bummblebee close up

This image has popped up on various websites without citing a source but after some digging, we've found that it is from the newest issue of Time Magazine. The image is a still shot from the "Transformers" movie, with Bumblebee's face dominating the majority of the shot. Bumblebee has a significant amount of battle damage and is looking down at Sam (Shia Labeouf), who is holding that mysterious black box we've seen him with before. Bumblebee's face seems to be the final CGI version of him with extremely blue eyes, reminiscent to Optimus Prime's eyes.

La revista Times piblico imagenes del primer plano del rostro de Bumblebee en la pelicula, aqui el escan.
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Esta imagen ha hecho estallar varias Web sites sin citar la fuente pero después de busrcar hemos encontrado que es de la más nueva publicaciones de la revista Times. La imagen es parte de la película de los “transformers”, con la cara de Bumblebee domina la mayor parte de la captura. Bumblebee tiene una cantidad significativa de daño por la batalla y está mirando hacia abajo de SAM (Shia Labeouf), que está sosteniendo esa caja negra misteriosa que la hemos visto con antes. La cara de de Bummblebe parece ser la versión final del cgi con los ojos extremadamente azules, evocando a los ojos de Optimus Prime.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

TF Movie Advertising Campaign IS Building!

Literally! We have to admit, the folks at Dreamworks are pretty constructive using a building that is going up at corner of Sunset and Vine in Hollywood, California as a Giant F-ing AD for the "Transformers" movie! Thanks to Arantine of the Don Murphy Forums for the heads up about the new AD. Check out pic here
¡La campaña publicitaria de la película TransFormers se está construyendo!
¡Literalmente! ¡Tenemos que admitir, que la gente en Dreamworks es bastante creativa con un edificio que se construye en la esquina de Sunset y Vine en Hollywood, California como ANUNCIO gigante de F-ing para la película de los “transformers”! Gracias a Arantine del foro de Don Murphy pensar sobre el nuevo ANUNCIO. Vea la imagen en un link externo aquí
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Images Transformers official webmasters

The program transformers webmasters sent days ago the official update raised Yahoo of the three images that circulated the week last through the network.
El programa transformers webmasters envió hace unos dias la actualización oficial subida a Yahoo de las tres imagenes que circularon la semana pasada por la red.

Download images

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Transformers not Transformist

Virulete to published a re-fuelling on an invitation that made Paramout to see 30 minutes him of advance of Transformers Movie, its commentaries and impressions in the link. Virulete is not the same Transformers that Transformist! Transformist, more than meets the eye

Virulete a publicado un repostaje sobre una invitación que le hizo Paramout para ver 30 minutos de adelanto de Transformers Movie, sus comentarios e impreciones en el link.
Virulete No es lo mismo Transformers que Transformist!
Transformist, more than meets the eye

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Matrix's Hugo Weaving will voice Megatron.

Article of USA today:

While doing an uncredited rewrite on Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds, the director, who is executive producer of Transformers, talked them into crafting the script for the warring-robots adventure by Michael Bay.

The writers said the concept of alien robots who are able to change into ordinary-looking Earth vehicles was an intriguing premise. A darker parallel to contemporary times: The robots destroyed their home planet in a war over energy.

"The Transformers as a race are sentient emotional beings, and they share our characteristics," Orci says. "They arrived on our planet when we face similar kinds of wars and are able to say, 'We are not that different from the humans.' "

Prime (voiced in the movie by original cartoon actor Peter Cullen) is the leader of the Autobots, protector robots from the alien planet Cybertron, where mechanisms evolved into living beings.

On Earth, Prime changes from a robot into a thundering big rig to disguise his identity. The smooth curves of his red, white and blue façade suggest a kind of solid comfort.

In contrast, his nemesis Megatron — a fascist politician on his home world whose motto was "Peace through tyranny" — has a jagged, colorless metal face with a covering that suggests the exposed jaw of a skull or insectlike pincers.

The Matrix's Hugo Weaving will voice Megatron.

"He's very dangerous-looking," says Kurtzman, noting the character had a more humanoid face in the cartoon.

The writers don't want to reveal yet what machine Megatron becomes.

But the gun that Megatron used to transform into had to go. Says Orci, "That would be the equivalent of Darth Vader turning into his own lightsaber and someone else swinging him around."

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Monday, April 02, 2007

More Images Transformers Movie

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Two New Transformers posters: Optimus Prime & Megatron

Okay, its officially time to start cussing up in here: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Say what you want about the "Orifice Face" otherwise known as Megatron, these posters look particularly AWESOME and are filled with so much ass-kickery Michael Bay probably fainted at the sight of them. Okay, that was a bit much but seriously, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!
Words of no comments.

Okay es tiempo oficial para comenzar a cursar para arriba aqui dentro: ¡MIERDA DE MIERDA SANTA! Dime que opinas sobre la “cara de orificio” conocida de otra manera como Megatron, que miramos en estos posters particularmente IMPRESIONANTES y te llenas tanto de la patada de asno de Michael Bay que se desmayó probablemente en su vista. ¡Okey, era un pedacito pero seriamente mucho, MIERDA DE MIERDA SANTA!

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Transformers Movie TV Spot

Check out IGN to watch the TV Spot


BC Bus

Bernie Sam









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New Trailers clips Transformers Movie presents/displays new clips of the film Transformers with new images on transformations of bumblebee and Starcream to clickear and to hope to that it loaded the video.If you want it to lower you must be registered you can see it from the same page pressing “Watch It Now”.
The clips available:
"Hidden" (March 30, 2007)
"Destiny" (March 30, 2007)
Trailer (January 2, 2007)
Teaser Trailer (July 11, 2006)
... presenta los nuevos clips de la pelicula Transformers con nuevas imagenes sobre transformaciones de Bumblebee y Starcream clickear y esperar a que cargue el video.Si lo quieres bajar tienes que estar registrado lo puedes ver desde la misma pagina pulsando "Watch It Now".
Los clips disponibles:
"Hidden" (March 30, 2007)
"Destiny" (March 30, 2007)
Trailer (January 2, 2007)
Teaser Trailer (July 11, 2006)

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